Having trouble activating your account? Here's a few common problems users encounter:
- Be sure you are entering your birth date correctly. The correct format is mm/dd/yyyy.
- Enter either your SSN OR a PIN, but not both. If you have an SSN on file with Harding, you must input the last four digits of your SSN.
- If you do not have an SSN in your Harding record, you must enter a randomly generated PIN that has been assigned to you.
- If you are a student, please call the DormNet Help Desk at (501)279-4545 to receive this PIN.
- If you are an employee, please call Desktop Support at (501)279-4440 to receive this PIN.
- If you are an alumnus, please call the Alumni Office at (501)279-4276 to receive this PIN.
- If you get the error "invalid credentials" after you have tried to activate your account, please check that you have entered your birth date and/or your SSN (or pin) in the correct format.
If you have entered all of your information correctly but still are having problems, please call the appropriate help desk listed above.