How to Delete Google Emails Before a Certain Date

Tags Email search

Here is how you can delete all Google emails before a certain date:

  1. In the search bar, if you type before:2014/01/01, you'll see a list of all of the emails you received prior to Jan. 1, 2014 
  2. Make sure you type the date in a YYYY/DD/MM format to filter out emails before a certain date 
    *Note: when you get your results, you may notice a few emails at the top that have a date after your search date, but all of them should have a thread where at least the first email in the thread is "before" the search date. If you want to keep these threads because they include emails after the prescribed date, select all as directed below and then uncheck the few at the top that have threads extending beyond the "before" date.

You can also search by how old emails are:

  1. If you type older_than:1y, you'll receive emails older than 1 year
  2. You can use m for months or d for days, as well

If you want to delete them all:

  1. Click the Check all box--this gets just the first 50 currently visible emails on the page
  2. Then click Select all conversations that match this search in the bar across the top of your results
  3. Finally, click the Delete button

If you need anything more complex, you can dig deeper with Google's search operators

You can combine searches to do something like, find all emails before a certain date and within a particular label (older_than:1y label:XYZ).


Article ID: 106547
Thu 4/30/20 4:22 PM
Fri 7/9/21 8:54 AM